

THICK as fuck, donut eating, lard arse, gun toting, Florida Cops have just released a statement saying that the crash involving Tiger Woods and a fire hydrant on Tigers very own drive, in his very own car, which he was driving at the time all on his own, with nobody else around, was his fault after all.

The highly intelligent Cops took just 5 days to come to this decision. (see earlier report on the crash)
Many people are led to believe that Cops in the Yoo Ess Of A, are a bit thick. But solving this crime within a week has proved otherwise. The fuzz in America recently came under scrutiny for believing that a 6 year old boy was attached to a balloon that was flying up, up and away and far, far away.
But they cracked that case too, also within a week, when they discovered the boy hiding in a loft.

1 comment:

Pete G said...

It would of taken Boss Hogg 2 days to crack this one, max. Though, I guess they had to rule out a random 'groundhog attack' though first.