

TWO giant pandas coming to the Adelaide Zoo will prove a bigger tourist attraction than cycling legend Lance Armstrong, Adelaide Zoo officials say.
Hardly a surprise when you consider that Pandas move at a Micro-second an hour and Lance Armstrong ride's like the wind. So the chances are that more people will see the Pandas. Unless Adelaide Zoo has plans to give Lance his own enclosure and shower him with Bamboo?
The arrival and 10-year stay of four-year-old Wang Wang (real name) and three-year-old Funi would also be bigger for the city than the Formula One Grand Prix in the 1980s and 90s and the Clipsal 500 V8 race, according to Zoos SA president Heather Caddick. Who knows absolutely fuck all about Motor Racing.
But Ms Caddick said the worldwide interest in two bears that were likely to spend most of their days either eating or sleeping was easy to explain.
"Pandas really are the world's most recognised and loved endangered animal," she said on Wednesday. Angering fans of the Ocelot (seen prowling, Right) Mediterranean Monk Seal and Dugong.
"If you watch them you can see why, they're natural comics. You could really spend hours just watching them."
 The same was said about Tommy Cannon and Bobby Ball (left) being 'Natural Comics' until everyone realised they were crap. And you certainly couldn't spend hours watching them.

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